A Legacy of Leadership and Love: Dr. J. Keith Motley & Mrs. Angela Motley

On a Spring Friday morning, April 28, UMass Boston officially dedicated its first residence/dining complex to a married couple, Dr. J. Keith Motley, chancellor emeritus and distinguished professor at its college of management, and Mrs. Angela Motley, public utilities engineer with the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities. The Motleys’ family, friends, alumni, and students were…

Student Spotlight – Jamira Collins


In 2021, Jamira Collins, a high school graduate of the Baltimore Leadership School for Young Women (BLSYW), recited her valedictory. One quote in her speech said, “The sky is not the limit, it’s only the beginning.” She wanted her classmates to know that: “You can have the sun, moon, stars, universe if that’s what you’re…

Alumni Spotlight – Zoë Harris

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On a Friday afternoon, on the University of Illinois Chicago campus, Zoë Harris—an Afro-Indigenous, second-year community health sciences doctoral student—sits in her office at the Native American Support Program and weaves a basket during her virtual spotlight interview. The scope of Harris’s graduate assistantship at the support program is far from new to her; her…

JDOTT Strategies for Supporting Students – Fall 2020

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The fall 2020 is approaching quickly.  The last 5 months have been interesting and busy and has presented numerous challenges for the coming academic year.  This Blog like our last meeting will focus on two critical areas through which we  are supporting our students: COVID-19 Pandemic and Fall Re-opening of our Campuses & Protests against…

JDOAAI Reflections from our 2020 Graduates

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Reflections from our 2020 Graduates Our students have accomplished amazing feats that have moved Northeastern and Boston forward over the years. We at the John D. O’Bryant African American Institute know even more greatness will come from the class of 2020. As you transition to the next chapter in your career, please share reflections on…

JDOAAI Covid-19 Stories from your Community

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Share Your Covid-19 Stories from your Community During this time of challenge and separation we are reaching out to hear your unique stories from your community.  We know it’s particularly tough during this year’s impacted graduation season and we want to remain as close and support you as much as possible. Please share voice and perspective…

JDOTT/NCORE Beyond 2020

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