Black Student Organizations
Black Student Organizations

Org Email: nu.afrospectrum@gmail.com
President: Jaiden Inniss

African Graduate Student Association
Org Email: adepoju.st@northeastern.edu
President: Stephen Adepoju
Advisor Name: Caroline Samaha

Black Business Student Association
Org Email: northeasternbbsa@gmail.com
President: Chinonso Morsindi

Black Christian Fellowship
Org Email: adepoju.st@northeastern.edu
President: Amandine Sime
Advisor Name: Caroline Samaha

Black Engineering Student Society
Org Email: bess.nsbe.president@gmail.com
President: Natalee Barber

Black Law Student Association
Org Email: northeastern.blsa@outlook.com
President: Simon Ruddock-Harris & Sydney Palmer

Caribbean Student Association
Org Email: northeasterncso@gmail.com
President: Romey-Francesca Valme

College of Science Student Diversity Advisory Council
Org Email: nucossdac@gmail.com
President: Emma Harden & Norlda Jean

Org Email: Colorstackneu@gmail.com
President: Levin Sanchez

Fellowship and Manhood
Org Email: fellowshipandmanhood@gmail.com
President: Max Ndjiki-nya

Graduate Student of Color Caucus
Org Email: neugscc@gmail.com
President: Alexandra Vega

Haitian Student Unity
Org Email: haitianstudentunity@gmail.com
President: Shania Rimpel

Minority Association of Pre-Health Students
Org Email: numapseboard@gmail.com
President: Janelle Lardizabal

National Society of Black Women in Medicine
Org Email: nsbwm.neu@gmail.com
President: Omotounyosi (Toun) Olorungbemi

Northeastern African Student Organization
Org Email: naso.eboard@gmail.com
President: Cindy Bonsu & Lydia Olukoton

Northeastern Black Student Association
Org Email: nbsaeboard@gmail.com
President: Ingrid Cobbinah & Rashida Jalloh
![NUBAC Logo (T).PNG[97] Kennedee Cox (2)](https://jdoaai.sites.northeastern.edu/files/2022/11/NUBAC-logo-T.PNG97-Kennedee-Cox-2.png)
NU Black Athlete Caucus
Org Email: nubaceboard@gmail.com
President: Hope Belvit

Sisters in Solidarity
Org Email: sistersinsolidaritynu@gmail.com
President: Christly Bright

Stepping on Another Level
Org Email: neusoal@gmail.com
President: Kelsey Nihezagirwe
National Pan-Hellenic Council (Black Sororities and Fraternities)

Alpha Phi Alpha, Inc. – Sigma Chapter
Org Email: aphiasigmachapter@gmail.com
President: Mike Sampson

Alpha Sorority, Inc. – Iota Gamma Chapter
Org Email: akaiotagamma@gmail.com
President: Eiyannah Orphelia

Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. – Chi Chapter
Org Email: chi.kapsi@gmail.com
President: Elie Chalumeau

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. – Iota Chapter
Org Email: iotaDST@gmail.com
President: Kennedee Cox

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. – Beta Chi Chapter
Org Email: zphibbetachi@gmail.com
President: Aseye Potakey
BSO Event Promotion Information
Event Communication Policies and Procedures:
To learn more about our event communication policies and procedures, please read below as we ask that you include the following when sending your electronic event flyers to us for distribution. Please be mindful of the requests below as failure to do so can delay the circulation of your events. Please see below for full details and let us know if you have any questions.
- We request that all event communication/flyers have the JDOAAI logo on them as a sponsor/co-sponsor if your student organization or departments receives any funding and/or support from the JDOAAI for your events (see below for logos). This includes monetary funding for food, drinks, games, decorations, equipment, speakers/performers, cups/plates/napkins/utensils; event space, etc.
- All event communication (flyer) must be submitted to k.motley@northeastern.edu or jdoaai@northeastern.edu no later than 12:00pm on Thursday of the previous week your event is scheduled to take place. For example, if your event is scheduled for September 6th, flyers, with accompanying information, must be submitted by August 29th. E-mail blasts are scheduled to go out on Fridays.
- When submitting the flyers, please include the following in the body of the e-mail. Please write out the following in this format:
Event blurb (should entail what the event is about):
Event name:
Event date:
Event time:
Event location:
Event contact (if applicable):